My Dog’s Dew Claw Broke Off

Dog’s Dew Claw Hanging Off

My Dog’s Dew Claw Broke Off. Dogs dew claws often break during the winter because of the ice on top of the snow. This can be a very painful experience for your dog, and can often lead to the dew claw bleeding. My good buddy Ivar The Boston Terrier broke his only once and indeed, it was in winter. In this essay, I will provide some easy steps that dog owners can follow to help mend their dog’s dew claws.

My Dog’s Dew Claw Broke Off

1- One of the best ways to fix a dog’s dew claw that is bleeding is to apply pressure to the wound. This can help to stop the bleeding and reduce the amount of pain that your dog is experiencing. You can apply pressure to the wound by using a bandage or by placing your hand over the wound. Now, that is what our DMV told us to do when it happened. If you own a BT, you know that those bandages won’t last long unless you put a cone around his neck or keep him under scrutiny every minute of the day!

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2- Another way to help mend a dog’s dew claw is to clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. This can help to get rid of any bacteria that may be present in the wound and can help it heal faster. Be sure to only use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, as too much could irritate the wound further.

3- Finally, you can help mend your dog’s dew claw by using a topical cream or ointment. This can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing. There are many different types of topical creams and ointments available, so be sure to ask your veterinarian for a recommendation.

By following these simple steps, you can help mend your dog’s dew claw and reduce his pain and discomfort.

Obviously, the best way to fix a dog’s dew claw is to keep it from breaking in the first place. Unfortunately, during the winter months, the dew claws are often broken. During the summer, also watch the terrain where your pooch runs. Be aware of steep, narrow holes in the ground as his leg will fall in but the dew claw will jam on the sides. Ouch!

If your dog’s dew claws are prone to breaking, there are a few things that you can do to help protect them. One of the best ways to do this is to keep your dog’s nails trimmed short. You can also try putting booties on your dog’s feet when they go outside in the wintertime. If you live in a cold climate, you may also want to consider getting your dog some winter boots specifically designed for dogs.


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Now you guys have been reading me for a while now and you know that I won’t just do exactly as I’m told so I went further and explored alternative ways to fix Ivar’s dew claw when it broke. Dogs have an inborn ability to heal themselves, and often licking a wound is the best way to promote healing. That is, if the bleeding isn’t too bad and it ‘s not dangling behind his leg where he could easily hurt himself more than it already is. Another trick is you can use cornstarch or flour and apply it directly to the wound to help stop the bleeding. Once you have stopped the bleeding, it is important to keep an eye on the wound to ensure that it heals properly. If necessary, you may need to clean and bandage the wound until it has healed completely.


In the end, what you really need to know is there are different ways to help mend your dog’s dew claw and you know your dog well enough to use the more appropriate method for him. Today, on Instagram, BostoTerrier Rescue Canada they had a case that got complicated. One of their gals, Bella, had her dew claw removed by the veterinarian under sedation, and she is now on pain medication and antibiotics to ward off any infection. She’ll need to wear a cone for a week as her foot heals. Now that’s not what we want to happen so please, be proactive and get your dogs some boots and be aware of his whereabouts. I know, you’ll tell me ”it’s a Boston Terrier, you gotta let’em run!” and you’re right ! Just steer him off the danger zones then.

Thanks again for taking the time to read me and please comment!


10 thoughts on “My Dog’s Dew Claw Broke Off”

  • JF,

    Thank you for sharing your insightful information related to how to care for your Boston Terrier’s dew Claw. It must extremely painful, especially during the winter. I really admire you love and compassion for your terrier. I, totally agree, that as dedicated pet owners we must be proactive and make sure to minimize and future mishaps.

    This is a very impressive, informative website and a good reference source should we need one. We have to look out for are pets, they are important family members.

  • Your comment is awaiting moderation.


    Thank you for sharing your insightful information related to how to care for your Boston Terrier’s dew Claw. It must extremely painful, especially during the winter. I really admire you love and compassion for your terrier. I, totally agree, that as dedicated pet owners we must be proactive and make sure to minimize and future mishaps.

    This is a very impressive, informative website and a good reference source should we need one. We have to look out for are pets, they are important family members.

    • Hi Rachele! Glad to see you back!! Thanks for the warm comment, we really appreciate it. We work hard to provide the best, as you do😉  just like with anything in life, prevention is best but, who are ewe to stop them from having fun!🤣

      Take care and come.bac again!

    • Hi Rachele!
      I really enjoy your inputs. I love how you understand the messages I try to send the world…. well, Boston Terrier fans world at least lol
      thank you again and come back soon!

  • Hey a great and definitely helpful post you have here! Appreciate the help!

    That does look painful for the poor pouch! My neighbour has a Boston Terrier and its so adorable yet feisty except that one time it hurt its foot and discovered that it was actually a deeply broken nail on its front paw. It had to be taken to the vets to get it mended. 

    Do you think a similar method for dew claw can be used on any of its claws or would that be a different approach?

    Have a great day!

    • Hi and thanks for your comment. Ian not a vet but I believe that, depending on the bleeding, same methods could be applied as I’ve done it in the past. I actually learned a lot when I had a brown Lab who hurt himself a lot! 

      Have a great day too!😊

  • Hi,

    The information in this post to help puppies avoid suffering from the dew claw was interesting to me. It’s essential to know how to help dogs in the winter, so I appreciate this article about how to protect dogs’ dew claws if they are prone to breaking. Maintaining our dog’s nails short is one of the best ways to achieve this is true. When the dog goes outside in the cold, we could also try putting booties on their feet. If you live in New York you have to consider this because it is very cold, so yes it’s essential to think about getting the dog some winter boots. 

    • Thank you Georgiana! I’m glad to see that you relate to this post. We try to get you the best info! Come back again soon! 


  • Wow.  I’ve never heard of that.  I have a LOT of dogs…always have.  And not one of them ever had this problem.  But, then none of them are or have been Boston Terriers.  They’re wolf hybrids.    

    Is it a breed thing?  Is this something particular to Boston Terriers?

    I’ll tell you one thing.  Licking wounds should not be prevented.  Being carrion eaters, dogs have antiseptic spit.  My dogs have come home with some horrible wounds from their fights with the coyotes.  Over time, I’ve learned to just leave them to deal with it on their own.  The healing is miraculous. They lick and lick and lick.  The dead flap of skin dries up and falls off.  And the super clean, pink wound just gets noticeably smaller every day.  No fuss, no muss.


    Have a good day.


    • Thank you for your comment Anna! I’m gladyou learned something here today! It is more common than you would think but maybe it happens more with smaller dogs. In my case my it happend to my BT as well as to my husky a few year back. I agree that licking is probably the best but when it’s a small house dog it mght not be ideal as blood gets over the furniture and the flooring. Kids can also snag the wound open when playing with them and then the healing process has to start over because it’s not like a cut.  

      BTW, I’m  happy for you it never happened to your loved pooch!

      Have a great day and come back again!

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