Why I love my Boston Terrier so much?

Cute 3 month old Ivar

Before we start, I would like to inform you that we are not purists but rather animal lovers and what we will share here are opinions and articles which, to the best of our knowledge, appear to us as very useful to pass on to you. We don’t believe anyone knows the truth about dogs and we do all of this with love for them. That said, let’s get started!


What is the best dog for me?

Dogs, I had a few. From the terrier cross to the Japanese Spaniel to the brown Labrador to the Husky cross, they all made me happy. Whether they were male or female, each had their own personality and were pleasant companions to me. Over time, I learned to know myself and thus better able to define which breed of dog would suit me best. For a long time, I thought for it was the Great Dane but just picking up the droppings of my Labrador, I understood that large breeds are not for me!

What?! Don’t we have to own our flaws? I’m easily disgusted and I hate picking up excrement so the easiest concession to make was the size of the poops 🙂

Find out more on my War on Poop here—————-Ongoing Reviews of Pooper Scoopers

Or here———–> Pooper Scooper Review on Youtube


It is very important to research the type of dog you want for and according to your family. At home, we are 2 adults and 3 pre-teens so it took a dog who moves but also knows when to cuddle on the couch and give us the affection we need. The Boston Terrier is just that type of dog. Although a lot of people say that it takes a lot of time because they are tireless, in our case, it hardly applies…

Let me explain; yes, he moves and runs a lot and when we walk in the woods he is tireless and will follow us everywhere but sometimes, like when I write these lines, he just sits on me while I write about him to you guys. That’s what’s great about this breed; they adapt to the master and his G.O. (we will talk about the G.O. later).

Are Boston Terrier easy to train?

Obviously it takes time to get him to ask for the door but I was left really surprised at how fast he learned. So much the better because I hate picking up poo and I believe I passed this disdain on to our daughters!  Thanks to my patient spouse Arlène (who didn’t want a dog at all but whom we convinced) for the support during this training. 

According to our research, males would be easier and more tolerant in general than females, who could sometimes get tired of playing and change their mood radically. As we don’t have a female, I can’t comment on the subject but my discussions with other owners seem to point in this direction as well. As we have children and grandchildren, we have opted for a male who until now answers “Present” to the call of the best dog in the world!

It’s not easy to research dogs personality by breed but it is, in my opinion, the most important phase  so  your new friend does not end up quickly at the shelter because you don’t understand him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a purist on how to buy your dog or how you live and feed it. There are so many schools of thought that it’s easy to get lost.

Our take on training

Training Boston Terrier puppies can be both fun and demanding.  At home, we simply acted – and continue to act – with love and well-being in mind while keeping ourselves informed about the care to be given to him. I personally find that choosing a veterinarian with whom you are comfortable discussing options is the key to a healthy dog.  According to my experience, they are less biased towards a particular race and their vast expertise serves us better. There are so many things to know about these awesome dogs like Boston Terrier eye infections that can occur, cherry eyes, keeping them warm, sunburns etc… Just stick with us and we’ll discuss all and more in future posts. 


Every morning, every noon, every evening I am greeted by this little entertainer and he accompanies us almost everywhere, protects us, performs clown acts for us and brings a feeling of fulfillment to our family. Did I mention he snores with “cuteness” (unlike me), and is very good with other animals? I think I could go on for a long time on its qualities but enough for today 😉

Finaly, just as I did, you could easily fall in love with these little 4-legged man majors because they are simply funny, affectionate, protective and let’s face it, endowed with an incredible cuteness !

Thank you for taking the time to read us

J-F blanchette


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