How to: Crate Training For A Puppy

How to Crate Train Your Puppy

Are you thinking of crate training your new puppy but don’t know where to start? Here’s the definitive guide to crate training! Your pup can feel safe and secure in their own space.

Why Crate Training Can Be Beneficial

Crate training can provide a safe den-like atmosphere for your pup to relax in, as well as reward good behavior since it also serves as a source of comfort. A dedicated area that is just theirs can be especially helpful for anxious puppies or those who suffer from separation anxiety. It’s also an incredibly useful tool during potty training, as most puppies naturally won’t want to soil their own space.

Your dog can become as comfy as our Ivar and now Whiskey!

Get Prepared

Before bringing your pup home, remember to get everything you need prepared ahead of time. Make sure that the size of the crate matches the size of your dog. Your pup needs enough room to comfortably turn around in it and lay down freely. To make their area inviting, throw a cozy blanket and some toys inside for them to play with. If you plan on leaving them alone for few hours at a time, consider including something that smells like you. An old T-shirt or pillow case so they have something comforting while they are apart from you.

Good Training plan Here—-> Perfect guide for imperfect dog owners!

Introducing The Crate

When introducing your puppy to their crate, take it slow. Use positive reinforcement methods such as treats or praise every time they go in voluntarily or lay down inside it. Avoid closing the door until your pup feels comfortable inside and make sure not to leave them there for too long at first. Why don’t you wrap him in comforter at first? Around 5 minutes is usually good for starters, gradually increasing the amount of time spent inside should help them adjust better.

Always let them out when they are calm and avoid any form of punishment when things don’t go according to plan. Perhaps they barked while they were in there? That’s ok! Just ignore it and take things slower each time until they get used to it eventually.

Establishing A Routine

Once your puppy is more comfortable being left alone inside the crate, try incorporating regular routine into their everyday lives. Put them in there every night before bedtime even if you are still nearby. The same goes when leaving the house – let them know a few minutes before that you will need to leave soon so that the situation doesn’t come off as sudden or scary for them. Be consistent! Over some time this will eventually teach them how long is ‘appropriate’ for being in the crate without feeling neglected or abandoned by you – creating familiarity with what’s expected from both parties involved (i.e., yourself and your pup).

These tips should help ease up any initial worries about failing at crate training with regards to behavioural issues – but always remember that all puppies learn differently! Don’t hesitate consulting an expert trainer if necessary too – patience is key!

8 thoughts on “How to: Crate Training For A Puppy”

  • Hey thanks a lot for this interesting post!

    Though I don’t have a fur baby yet I am certainly planning on some time since I absolutely adore animals! I believe preparing is also one of the most important stage as you must have every thing ready beforhand, last minute isnt ideal since you can forget something essential.

    Crate training is a great and important training that will definitely help you and make things easier. I am going to add this post into the folder created for puppy prep!

    Thanks again and have a great day!

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my blog post. I’m delighted to hear that you found the information helpful and that you are planning to adopt a fur baby in the near future.

      You make a great point about the importance of preparation when bringing a new pet into your home. Having everything ready beforehand can really help to ease both you and your new addition into this exciting time. I’m glad to hear that crate training is something you’re considering, as it can be a valuable tool for both potty training and keeping your pup safe and secure.

      Thank you for adding my post to your puppy prep folder – I hope it continues to be a helpful resource as you move forward with your preparations. If you have any questions or concerns along the way, please feel free to reach out.

      Best wishes to you as you embark on this wonderful journey of pet ownership!

      HI Sariyah and thanks so much for your comment!

  • Great job on providing a comprehensive guide to crate training for puppies! Your tips are very helpful and informative, and I especially appreciate the emphasis on positive reinforcement and taking things slow when introducing the crate to the puppy.

    I also like that you mentioned the importance of establishing a routine and being consistent, as this can help the puppy feel more secure and comfortable in their crate. And your suggestion to include something that smells like the owner inside the crate is a great idea to provide extra comfort for the puppy.

    Overall, I think your guide will be very useful for new puppy owners who are considering crate training their furry friend. Thank you for sharing your expertise on this topic!

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that you found my comprehensive guide to crate training for puppies to be informative and helpful. Positive reinforcement and taking it slow are definitely key when it comes to introducing a new puppy to their crate.

      Maintaining consistency and establishing a routine is crucial to ensuring a safe and secure environment for puppies during crate training. This sense of security assists to make them familiar with their crate and thus, more comfortable in the space provided. Adding a tangible piece of clothing that the puppy identifies with its owner, provides an additional layer of comfort to the environment.

      I appreciate your feedback and I’m glad to hear that you think this guide will be useful for new puppy owners. Hopefully, it will help make the crate training process a lot smoother and more enjoyable for both the puppy and their owner. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog post!

  • Hi! I find these tips very helpful since we are planning to add another member to our family. But we are not sure how to get started especially since we want to place him in a crate. We aren’t sure how the new pup would feel being alone in a crate.

    I like what you said about not closing the door of the crate until our pup gets comfortable inside. This reminds me of my daughter when she first attended school. No matter how much I would like to be with her on her first day at school, the teacher said we cannot go inside with our kids. We’ll just have to wait outside where they could see us and be assured that we did not leave them alone. 

    I guess it’s the same thing with dogs; we cannot force them to get into the cage. Rather we have to make them comfortable and allow them to go inside and stay there.

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to read my guide and leaving such a thoughtful comment! I’m thrilled to hear that you found the tips helpful and informative.

      Positive reinforcement is definitely key when it comes to crate training, as it helps the puppy associate the crate with positive experiences. And taking things slow can help prevent any negative associations with the crate.

      Establishing a routine and consistency is also important as it can help the puppy feel more secure and comfortable in their crate. And including something that smells like the owner inside the crate can provide extra comfort and reassurance for the puppy.

      I’m glad to hear that you think the guide will be useful for new puppy owners, that’s definitely my goal! Thank you again for your kind words and support.

  • Thanks for your feedback on my guide to crate training puppies! I’m glad you found it informative and helpful. The key to successful crate training is to take things slow and use positive reinforcement. Establishing a routine and being consistent will help your puppy feel more secure in their crate. Adding something that smells like the owner can also provide comfort to the puppy. I hope my guide will be useful to new puppy owners who are considering crate training.

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