What Is The Difference Between Service Dog And Therapy Dog

What is the difference between service dog and therapy dog? There are also working dogs, and emotional support animals and they all play a different role and have different legal rights and obligation for each. What do service dogs help with? Let’s look at them and obviously, how my buddy Ivar qualifies 😉 What Is […]

Older Boston Terriers Sale

Why Would You Get Rid of a Dog? Life is complicated. It brings challenges to your door that you would never ever expect. You can tackle the issue at hand, delay it, ignore its existence, pass it on to others and what not. You know what I mean. Depending on your core values and your […]

Mon BT, mon 1er vrai amour canin

Le dĂ©but d’une belle histoire Avant de dĂ©buter, j’aimerais vous aviser que nous ne sommes pas des puristes mais plutĂŽt des amoureux des animaux et nous allons partager ici des opinions et des articles qui, au mieux de notre connaissance, nous apparaissent utiles Ă  vous transmettre. Nous ne croyons pas que quiconque ait la vĂ©ritĂ© […]

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